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Welcome to the EECS Department

Welcome to the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department Wiki. The purpose of this wiki is to provide EECS users with answers to common problems, details on the services offered by the department, and information on departmental policies and procedures. If you are new to the EECS department, or would simply like view a summary of the EECS services, resources, and facilities available to EECS students, continue on to the EECS Services and Resources Summary.

Commonly Asked Technical Questions

Technical Help, FAQs, and Guides

OS Specific Help

Find help with the operating systems used within the EECS Department

Service Specific Help

Find help on services offered by the EECS Department

Application Specific Help

Find help with applications used in the EECS courses

EECS Web Site Errors and Updates

If you have found an error on the EECS website or would like to request that information be added or changed on the website here's what to do…

EECS Departmental Policies

Additional Technical Help

If you cannot find the answer to a techinal question after looking through the information provided above, feel free to submit a help ticket.

The EECS Department Wiki is not editable by students. If you feel that there is topic that should be covered in the wiki, or if there is content that you would like added, please submit a help ticket.

start.txt · Last modified: 2015/08/25 09:50 by cmock