EECS Web Site Corrections and Updates
If you have found an error on the EECS website or would like to request that information be added or changed on the website here's what to do…
Broken Links and Typos
If you've found a typo or an incorrect or broken link on the EECS website, please submit help request giving the URL of the page in question, and a description of the error found.
EECS Course Information
If a course description needs to be added to, removed from, or updated on the EECS website it is best to contact either Maureen Altman (undergaduate) or Pam Shadoin (graduate) as they have both the ability to make changes to the courses listed on our website and may need to update other sources of course information as well.
EECS Faculty and Staff Information
EECS faculty can edit the information on their biography page of the EECS website by logging into the EECS website ( and selecting the Bio option under Account.
If contact information (email, phone, room number) needs to be changed please submit help request containing the contact information to be updated.
News Articles
If you know of something (awards, events, research) relevant to the EECS department that would make for a good news article on our website and in our annual newsletter contact Michelle Ward.
Events and Deadlines
If you know of any upcoming events or deadlines that would be helpful to EECS students if posted on the EECS website please contact Crystal Leal with any relevant information. Some examples of good events and deadlines are…
- Student organization meetings
- Seminars and lectures relevant to our students
- Visits by industry representatives
Site Layout and Content
If you have questions, comments, or suggestions regarding the layout or content of the EECS website please contact Michael Prittie.