Frequently Asked Questions (and their answers)

"What do I need to be able to use the computers in these labs?"

As stated in the Computer Lab Policies, computer labs are only for students enrolled in engineering courses. To access or use EECS computer lab facilities, a student must be enrolled in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and have an EECS student account. If you need to find your password for your existing EECS account, please see the Help Desk for assistance.

"When are the labs open?"

All computer labs, with the exception of 1005C, 1005D, and 1010 are open for use 24 hours a day, seven days a week all year. For more information, view the Hours of EECS Help Desk Operation.

"Where is the help desk and when is it open?"

The EECS Help Desk is located in Room 1005 Eaton Hall

Technical Support Assistant Hours:

Monday - Thursday 8:00 a.m - 12:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

EECS Help Desk Hotline: (785)864-8807

"I forgot my EECS password. How can I reset it?"

There are two different ways to reset your password:

"Where can I save files to?"

It is suggested that you store your data on personal removable media you can keep safely with you, such as a USB thumb drive. EECS students have access to store data in their student folder on the EECS file server. In Windows this can be accessed as drive H: showing your EECS student ID on 'EECS File Server. In Linux, files are saved under your Home folder. All files stored in your student folder on the EECS file server are visible from within Windows and Linux.

"I am getting an error message on the computer. What do I do?"

If a Help Desk assistant is available in the computing commons, room 1005 Eaton Hall, please contact them for assistance. If a Help Desk assistant is not available, or you just wish to submit a general inquiry to a problem, you may submit a Help Request Ticket for an EECS related issue here or for an SOECS related issue here. Fill out the form with the required information including student ID, email, and lab or system with which the inquiry pertains to, along with a detailed description of the problem. A receipt or copy of the ticket will be emailed to your email address provided.

"How do I print to the color printer?"

To print a document to the color printer, you must be logged in to an SOECS computer. When you select to print a document, in the printing dialog window that opens, from the list of available printers select \\\e1005-color.

Select the color printer

"How can I print on both sides of the page?"

Documents printed to the Eatons Commons 9050 Laser printer can be set to print on both front and back of the page. Follow the steps below to use this option:

Select Flip On Long Edge to print duplex

"How do you use the scanner in the SOECS lab?"

There are several applications that allow you to import an image from the scanner. Some of the most common ways are given below:

"Can I print to 11x17 paper on the color printer?"

Yes. Just specify that size in the printer properties and tell it to print to the Manual Feed tray. The Help Desk attendant then has to load 11×17 paper in the manual feed tray.

"How can I use SSH in Linux or Windows?"

"Can I set my EECS email to forward to another email account?"

To redirect your EECS mail account to another email address, you will need to create a new file in your home directory. You must create this file from on a Linux computer. In your Home directory, create a new blank document named .forward and type the email address you wish to have your EECS mail redirected to within this document. The period in the file name .forward will mean this is a hidden file in Linux, so after it is created it will seem to disappear. You can view hidden files in a folder as needed by going to View → Show Hidden Files.