Frequently Asked Questions (about EECS Accounts)

"How do I forward my EECS email to a different email address?"

With all of the email addresses to people, and interfaces to check that email with, some people prefer to be able to check their email from one location (as opposed to 2 or more). This is fairly easy but, a word of caution:


There have been reports that students utilizing 'free' web-mail services, such as HotMail and Yahoo, have not received certain important pieces of email from their professors or project partners over the last few terms. When email is being forwarded to an off-site system, there is next to nothing that we can do to discover why an email was lost. These services do impose space limits as well as message limits (total email messages in your Inbox). It appears that if an inbound email message causes one of the quotas to be exceeded, it simply gets dropped with no error and potentially not even a note to the original sender that something went wrong.

If you choose to utilize one of these services for EECS email forwarding, the EECS staff cannot be held responsible for email lost due to these sorts of situations.

Login to the EECS mail server and at the Unix/Linux prompt, type the following:

echo <username>' > .forward

This creates a text file that contains one line consisting of only the email address that you want to forward to. For example, if I wanted to forward my EECS email to, I would type the following:

echo '' > .forward

Next to set are the permissions. Type the following at the prompt:

chmod 755 .forward

That's it. From this point forward, all email sent to your EECS email address will be forwarded to your preferred email address.

"How do I save space on my EECS Account?"

You can save space by compressing your seldom used files with tar and zip. To do this first make a tarball the files (or folder(s)) you want to compress by using this command: tar cvf data.tar data where data.tar is the name of the tarball being created, and data is the name of the original files or folders placed in the tarball.

Note: A tarball is like a grouping of files such that each is concatenated together - this allows for the collection to be referred to as a single file and thus much to deal with. This does not make a smaller collection of files - it just makes them appear to be just one file. In order to actually compress this data (which is where we save space), you need to zip the file. Using our current example, we would type the following: gzip data.tar Note: This does not create a new file called data.tar.gz, instead, it literally zipped the tarball and changed its name to reflect this fact. Now, to complete the process of saving space, it is necessary to remove the original files: rm -rf data Addendum: It is important to note that if you are out of disk space, you will not be able to create the tarball in your home directory. In order to accomplish this task, it is advised that you utilize the /tmp directory to do this. First change your current directory by: <code>cd /tmp</code> Then copy the pertinent folders (files) to that directory: <code>cp -Rp ~/data /tmp/</code> Perform the aforementioned actions to create the tar.gz file. Then remove the original from your home directory, put the new file in your home directory, and remove the original from the /tmp directory: <code>tar cvf data.tar data gzip data.tar rm -rf ~/data rm -rf /tmp/data mv /tmp/data.tar.gz ~/</code> Note: the tarring and zipping can be done in one line: <code>tar zcvf data.tar.gz data</code> For more information, consult the man pages.
===“If I want to have a web folder that only is available to machines in the EECS and ITTC domain - what do I do?”=== In order to restrict the domains that can access a particular web directory to that of and, you need to create a private directory and place those web pages in that directory. To do this change to your public_html directory and create the new directory.For example: <code>cd public_html mkdir private</code> The permissions of this directory can be 755, the web server handles the actual access control.
===“Who do I ask for a certain library, service, or application to be added to the system (be it for Windows or Unix/Linux)?”=== The proper way to request additional software resources on EECS machines is to submit a help request via the EECS website.
===“I need to get a copy of my home directory - is there an easy way to do this?”=== The EECS Department is capable of creating a burned cd image of your home directory. In order to have this done you will need to do two things. - Submit a help desk request by submitting a ticket using the interface located on the EECS website. -You will also need to provide a cd, as specified in the response from the email, as well as where to take that cd.
===“How do I change my password?”=== You can change your password by logging into the system and selecting the “Account” category. Once this category is selected you should see an option to change your password.
===“I have forgotten my password - what can I do?”=== Go to the EECS Help Desk located in 1005 Eaton Hall and the student working at the desk can change it for you. If this is during a period of school break, then you can find one of the EECS technical staff. Password change requests must be done in person and a photo id must be shown.
===“I have my EECS account setup to forward my EECS e-mail to another account. How do I stop this?”=== Remove the .forward file in your home directory.
===“I want to FTP some files to/from my EECS account. What host do I use?”=== The FTP protocol is not supported by EECS systems. We have decided to move away from the protocol due to the nature of the protocol and the history of serious security issues with most major FTP servers. We do support sftp which is an extension on top of the SSH protocol to provide secure file transfers with FTP-style functionality. Each cycle server supports both ssh and sftp. Recommended clients: * Windows: WinSCP ( * Mac OSX: Cyberduck ( * Linux: sftp (man sftp)